Insulated Dog Cabins

Maintenance is a breeze with our insulated dog cabins, featuring removable roofs and wipeable bases. Every dog deserves a comfortable retreat, and our range of insulated dog cabins ensures your pet stays snug in any weather.

As a leading manufacturer and supplier of professional canine solutions, Benchmark Kennels takes pride in offering affordable, high-quality dog cabins. Our friendly team is ready to guide you in selecting the perfect insulated dog cabin for your furry friend. Contact us today for expert assistance, and we'll ensure your best friend stays comfortable and content.


An insulated dog house is a timber shelter made with special material, also known as insulation, to cover all of the cracks and crevices so that no heat is lost, keeping your pooch warm and comfortable. 

Insulation is beneficial in a dog cabin, especially if you’re thinking of keeping your canine in the shelter during winter. 

Insulation helps to keep your dog’s body temperature stable, shading them from the sun or protecting them from the cold.

Dogs need a shelter to rest in when they’re outside. 

If your dog spends a lot of time outdoors, it’s important you provide them with a dog cabin so that they can shelter when the weather is poor or when they need a nap.

A dog cabin is often quite small, so it’s important you don’t pack it with too many items. A comfortable blanket for your pooch to lay on is more than enough and maybe even a cuddly toy.

The cost of a dog cabin depends on the size of it, the materials, whether it is insulated or not and the delivery costs. Each of these factors make the cost of a dog cabin vary.

  • Benchmark Kennels,
    Mitchell's Industrial Park,
    Bradberry Balk Lane,
    S73 8HR


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