Understanding Dog Behaviour in Kennels

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Understanding how your dog may behave whilst in a kennel is important. Whether it’s their first time in one, or if they have been in a kennel many times before, it is vital to know whether the different behaviours they may exhibit mean your dog is stressed or happy and comfortable being there. Whether you are a pet owner or operate your own kennel, gaining a deep understanding of these behaviours can create a positive environment for dogs.

How Do Dogs Behave In Kennels?

The behaviour of your dog in a kennel can vary depending on their personality, past experiences and the environment of the kennel itself.
However, there are some common behaviours that many dogs can share when being placed in kennels.

Initial Anxiety

When first introduced to a kennel, dogs often display signs of anxiety due to the unfamiliar surroundings.

Whining or Barking: Dogs may vocalise their discomfort or stress.

Trembling or Shaking: Physical signs of fear or anxiety can be clear, particularly in more sensitive dogs.

Pacing or Restlessness: Dogs might move around constantly as they try to adjust or escape their unfamiliar environment.

Social Interaction With Other Dogs

Dogs’ interaction with others in a kennel can vary, impacting their behaviour in the kennel.

Playful Behaviours: Some dogs quickly adapt and engage in playful activities with other dogs, exhibiting behaviours such as chasing or gentle mouthing.

Avoidance: On the other hand, some might avoid social interactions with dogs, preferring to be left alone or kept in the company of humans.

Adaption Over Time

With time and proper care, most dogs will begin to adapt to the kennel environment.

Routine Acceptance: Dogs typically adjust better when a consistent routine is established. With regular feeding times, exercise sessions and familiar faces, it can help reduce anxiety in your dog.

Comfort Seeking: Dogs may seek comfort in familiar items brought from home, like toys or blankets, which can provide a sense of security. Having something that smells like their owner or their house will help them to relax in a brand-new environment.

Behavioural Improvement: As they become more accustomed to the kennel, many dogs show signs of reduced stress and increased comfort, such as relaxing more, eating normally and engaging in playful activities.

Understanding these typical behaviours helps both pet owners and kennel staff to create a supportive environment that addresses the dogs’ needs and promotes their well-being during their stay in kennels.

Do Dogs Change After Being In Kennels?

After spending time in kennels, dogs can show a variety of changes. These changes can be influenced by the kennel environment, the quality of care, the length of stay, and the dog’s individual temperament.

Temporary Behavioral Changes

Increased Clinginess or Attention-Seeking: Some dogs may become more clingy or seek extra attention from their owners after returning home. This can be a reaction to the stress of being in an unfamiliar environment and a desire for reassurance.

Fatigue or Over-Exuberance: Dogs might initially appear tired due to the excitement and stress of the kennel experience, or they might be overly energetic and hyperactive upon returning home, happy to be back in a familiar setting.

Altered Eating Habits: It’s not uncommon for dogs to have changes in their appetite. They might eat less during the first few days back home or might appear hungrier than usual if they were stressed and ate less while in the kennel.

Positive Changes

Improved Socialisation: For dogs that interact well with others, time in a kennel can improve their social skills, making them more comfortable and confident around other dogs and new people.

Enhanced Independence: Some dogs learn to be more independent, as they get used to being away from their owners and dealing with new environments and routines.

Potential Negative Changes

Increased Anxiety: Some dogs may develop or increase anxiety issues, especially if they had a negative experience or were particularly stressed in the kennel. This can manifest as separation anxiety, increased nervousness, or clinginess.

Behavioural Issues: In rare cases, dogs might pick up unwanted manners, such as increased barking, aggression, or destructive behaviours, particularly if they were stressed or if the kennel environment was not well-managed.

Overall, while dogs can experience some changes after being in kennels, these changes are typically temporary and manageable with proper care and attention. By understanding potential behavioural shifts and taking proactive measures, owners can help ensure a smooth transition back to normalcy for their furry friends.

To guarantee dog comfort and safety whilst in kennels, it is important to invest in a good quality one at your home. This would create a smoother transition from their home to kennels.

Here at Benchmark Kennels, we provide high-quality, premium dog kennels, ideal for keeping dogs in a positive environment whilst away in kennels.