Top Ten Tips for Keeping your Rabbit Cool this Summer

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The sun is finally shining, and you are sitting in your garden soaking up those sun rays, with your rabbit safely in the shade of their hutch. Did you know that rabbits can’t sweat or cool down like humans can? That’s why we need to be vigilant about our little furry friends during the hot summer weather, as they can’t cool down themselves like some other animals can. 

Here are our 10 best tips and tricks for keeping your bunny nice and chilled, along with some warning signs to watch for if your rabbit may be overheating.

1. Dampen their Ears with Cool Water

Make sure it is not ice cold water as their little ears are very sensitive and ice cold water can give them shock. But, 

Bunny sat in the shade with their ears pricked up. The Bunny has different shades of brown on its head, a white belly and brown behind.

this is the quickest hands-on approach to cooling your bunny down. 

2. Freeze A Bottle of Water 

A great simple trick is to fill a plastic water bottle with water and freeze it overnight. Wrap it in a tea towel or something similar, then you can leave it in the hutch so your rabbit can lounge against it to cool down. 

3. Give your Bunny a Trim 

Whilst rabbits do not need to be shaved, regular grooming like trimming excess fur will help keep your rabbit cool.

4. Add  a Cool Surface in their Enclosure 

By adding a ceramic tile or a cool, damp cloth in their hutch, you can give your bunny rabbit a cool surface to lounge on. 

5. Keep your Hutch in the Shade

No one likes being in direct sunlight for long periods of time, the same goes for your pets! That is why we recommend moving your rabbit out of direct sunlight so they don’t become flustered and hot. If you can’t move your hutch you can….

6. Put a Damp Towel Over their Hutch 

But make sure you keep those sides clear so your bunny can breathe and their area stays ventilated! 

7. Feed your bunny  ‘Cooling’ Treats 

A nice crispy cold salad sounds good on a hot day, even to your rabbit! Give them some leafy greens or some cooling cucumbers – but, make sure you avoid high sugar fruits as they can upset your little furry friend’s stomach. 

White bunny with a cute dark nose in a hutch. A bowl is at the forefront of the image and there are two more white rabbits in the background

8. Avoid Overcrowding 

If your animal housing has more than one bunny, you may consider upgrading your hutch. For two bunnies we recommend our double animal housing, but for more we offer outdoor animal enclosures with up to six bays!

9. Add an Ice Cube to their Water!

By doing this, you can keep their water cooler for longer. Make sure you keep replenishing their water throughout the day. Like their owners, they also want to drink more during the hot weather. 

10. And Finally, Keep an Eye Out for Signs of Overheating 

If your rabbit is showing signs of overheating they may become;

  • Lethargic 
  • Start to breathe heavily 
  • They have excessive drool or panting 
  • Wet or damp fur (especially around their ears and paws!)
  • Pale or bluish gums 

If they start to show these signs, make sure you have done our top tips and tricks to keep your bunny rabbit and their home cool and comfortable.


At Benchmark Kennels, we provide a variety of animal housing for your pets. Whether you are looking for a triple animal housing for your rabbit or other little furry friends, or you are looking for composite eco dog kennels – we have got you covered. 

Check out our animal housing and our premium dog kennels and runs today!